One Hour Behind: Looking forward to playing again / Con ganas de jugar de nuevo
— Juan Mata GarcĂa (@juanmata8) April 14, 2014
Hi everyone,
Last night, on my way back to Manchester, I was thinking about the last few weeks, games, trips, training sessions... But also about the list of fixtures to play before the end of the season, and obviously I realised that the weeks fly and there are only five remaining games. The truth is I feel very good and I really want to play again, as it's been a while since the last time I did. I'm looking forward to my next game! We have a good training week ahead to get ready for the match.

As you know, I couldn't play in Munich but still I went there with my team-mates. We were fighting for a place in the semi-finals and, honestly, I believe we were close to make it a couple of times. First when Patrice scored that stunning goal for the 0-1, and later on with two more chances that we missed. Yet in the last few minutes Bayern was very strong and now they will face Real Madrid.